Risks of Alternate Medications

Susan Wright, VP of Pharmacy Services at Wellstar, cautions patients about risks in alternate means of buying medications.

Teresa Gonzalez
by Teresa Gonzalez


3 responses to “Risks of Alternate Medications”

  1. Monica L Rogers says:

    Because manufactures have pushed out advertising for all the GLP1 injectables on tv and they cannot keep up with the demand. there is no one to blame but them. We as patients are forced to look for alternative ways to get the meds and as long as we are doing our research and making sure the meds are coming from a reputable compounding pharmacy that is 501A or 501B, it is their loss. If people are dumb enough to get their medications overseas or online from who knows where that’s on them.

  2. kristen morris says:

    I wanted to provide this feedback. I was interviewing a candidate yesterday and they were telling me how overwhelming it was to try to find positions on the Wellstar Career care page.
    I had a little bit of lightbulb moment when talking to him. I want to recommend that WellStar use IA or a chat service for anyone looking online to help with their searches. Someone or something such as a live chat that can help them find the positions they are seeking so that they can apply. Maybe a pop-up service that can direct them and someone they can actually speak to that can help them find the job posting or provide them with info.
    i’ve also reached out to our T.A. department to suggest this. I currently do not see this on the career page for Wellstar when i just looked. Currently I only see videos of Wellstar services and a survey that pops up for anyone that has applied online.

    thanks so much !

    • Teresa Gonzalez Fernando Mattos says:

      Hi Kristen, this is a great suggestion and I’ll forward it to our team. Any help we can provide candidates during that process could be a game changer – for them and for Wellstar. Thanks for bringing this to Voice!

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