Use Your Voice

Catalyst Voice by Wellstar gives you a platform to glean insights, make your voice heard, and positively impact your community’s well-being by contributing to local, real-world healthcare innovations. The Voice community is for you—the consumer, the patient, the caregiver, the survivor, the innovator—and all those who want to be a part of building the healthcare solutions you desire for you and your loved ones. Eliminate the disconnect by expressing your needs and opinions directly to healthcare leaders through Voice.

Join Voice to:

  • Make your voice heard
  • Shape healthcare solutions
  • Get insight into healthcare advancements
  • Earn tangible rewards
Female doctor smiling at female patient

Together, we can build the future of care. A world where healthcare is...

Personalized and preventive
At Catalyst, we’re committed to changing the model from sick care—to peoplecare. That includes harnessing smart new technologies and always-connected networks to make care more focused on well-being through prevention, and more personalized to each and every person.
Empowered caregivers
We’re creating new ways for doctors, nurses, and medical professionals to connect and care for patients beyond the traditional walls of hospitals and clinics. This includes innovating new organizational models that support delivering more diverse and distributed care to the community.
Curated care experiences
Recent global events have accelerated the adoption of new care experiences that bridge digital and traditional care venues. But for us, that’s only a beginning. At Catalyst, we’re inspired by the idea of curated care—the Latin root of curate being curatus, meaning to heal or cure. Working with fresh thinkers across industries, we’re creating care experiences that cater to each individual’s needs.
Modernized economic models
As healthcare costs continue to rise, it’s critical that we modernize economic models to make quality care more accessible and affordable for more people. Subscription and value-based service models. Innovative new service models yet to be dreamed up. For us, the future means flexibility.
Digital and autonomous
Today’s consumers expect healthcare services to meet them where they are. We see tremendous opportunity for tapping new technologies like autonomous vehicles, advanced robotics, and the latest AI to help outpace consumer service expectations and deliver safe, quality care in more efficient ways.
Connected and secure
With streamlined communications and more widely accessible data comes an increase in connectivity between you and your healthcare providers, and a need for added cyber security. Ensuring privacy, safety, and autonomy is one of our top focuses.
Life-health integration
Going to the doctor for your annual check-up. Visiting the hospital when you’re really sick. That was yesterday. Today, healthcare is a non-linear experience—an ecosystem centered around the individual, designed to integrate well-being and care into everyday life.

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